



















Altering the Brain Through Alternative Methods (CBT, Movement – Meditative Treatments etc.)





Kati Thieme



University of Marburg, Germany






Kati Thieme1 Delia Hirche1 Marc G. Mathys1 Stephen Folgers2
1Medical Psychology, Philipps University Marburg, Germany, Germany
2Department of Physical Therapy Education, Elon-University, USA
Background. Pain and cardiovascular interaction is an important component of the pain regulatory system. This interaction is influenced by baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). Baroreceptor activity through the dorsal medial tractus solitarius (dmNTS) influences somatosensory, cognitive, affective and behavioural components of the pain network.
Objectives. This study tested if 1) Systolic Extinction Training (SET) a combination of baroreceptor training (BRT) and Behavioural Therapy (OBT) would increase BRS, (2) BRS increases central inhibitory changes, and (3) if treatment reduces pain intensity and to what amount.
Methods. Forty-six FM patients and 30 healthy controls (HC) were investigated with a baroreceptor training (BRT) protocol consisting in two 8-minutes-trials where 3 different and randomized electrical stimuli (50%, 75% of individual pain tolerance, and non-painful stimuli) were administered immediately after systolic and diastolic peak of the cardiac cycle. Additionally to BRT, 20 patients were treated with aerobic exercise (AE) and 26 with OBT. Evoked potentials, theta-and alpha-band activity measured with EEG, blood pressure and BRS were measured during treatment sessions before, post, and 12 months after therapy.
Results. The affective (P260) and cognitive (P390) components of pain, but not the attention (N50) and sensory (N150) components, showed significantly greater response in FM vs HCs before therapy (p = 0.005). Post SET and in the 12 months follow-up, the EEG components reversed and showed higher theta band activity. SET eliminated pain in 82% (BRS increased 48%) at the 12-month follow-up and BRT+AE reduced pain by 50% in 14% (BRS increased by 11%) of patients.
Conclusion. Alternative methods in FM increase BRS and change sensory, affective, cognitive and behavioural components of pain network resulting in long-lasting pain remission.








目的。この研究では、1) 収縮期消退訓練(SET)と圧受容器訓練(BRT)と行動療法(OBT)を組み合わせて行うとBRSが増加するかどうか、(2) BRSは中枢抑制性変化を増加させるかどうか、(3) 治療によって痛みの強さが軽減されるかどうか、またその程度を検証した。




結果。注意(N50)および感覚(N150)成分ではなく、疼痛の情動(P260)および認知(P390)成分が、FM vs HCで治療前に有意に高い反応を示した(p = 0.005)。SET後および12ヵ月後の追跡調査では、脳波成分は逆転し、より高いシータバンド活性を示した。SETにより12ヵ月フォローアップ時に82%(BRSは48%増加)の患者で疼痛が消失し、BRT+AEにより14%(BRSは11%増加)の患者で疼痛が50%減少した。







Efficacy of Systolic Extinction Training in Fibromyalgia Patients With Elevated Blood Pressure Response to Stress: A Tailored Randomized Controlled Trial




Kati Thieme et al. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2019 May.
. 2019 May;71(5):678-688.
doi: 10.1002/acr.23615.
Kati Thieme  1 , Tina Meller  1 , Ulrika Evermann  1 , Robert Malinowski  1 , Marc G Mathys  1 , Richard H Graceley  2 , William Maixner  3 , Dennis C Turk  4


1 Institute of Medical Psychology at Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany.


2 Center for Pain Research and Innovation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


3 Center for Translational Sciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.


4 Center for Pain Research on Impact, Measurement, and Effectiveness, University of Washington, Seattle.
PMID: 29882635
DOI: 10.1002/acr.23615






Objective: An intrinsic pain regulatory system is modulated by both cardiovascular dynamics that influence baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and is diminished in fibromyalgia (FM). Baroreceptors relay cardiovascular output to the dorsal medial nucleus tractus solitarius reflex arcs that regulate pain, sleep, anxiety, and blood pressure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of systolic extinction training (SET), which combines operant treatment (OT) with baroreflex training (BRT). BRT delivers peripheral electrical stimulation within a few milliseconds of the systolic or diastolic peak in the cardiac cycle. In addition, we compared SET to OT-transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) independent of the cardiac cycle and aerobic exercise (AE)-BRT in FM patients with elevated blood pressure responses to stress.





Methods: Sixty-two female patients with FM were randomized to receive either SET (n = 21), OT-TENS (n = 20), or AE-BRT (n = 21). Outcome assessments were performed before treatment (T1), after 5 weeks of treatment (T2), and after the 12-month follow-up (T3).





Results: In contrast to patients receiving OT-TENS or AE-BRT, those receiving SET reported a significantly greater reduction in pain and pain interference (all P < 0.01) that was maintained at the 12-month follow-up. Clinically meaningful pain reduction at T3 was achieved in 82% of patients in the SET group, 39% of those in the OT-TENS group, and only 14% of those in the AE-BRT group. Patients in the SET group showed a significant increase (57%) in BRS following treatment, while neither the AE-BRT group or the OT-TENS group showed significant changes over time.


結果。OT-TENSやAE-BRTを受けた患者とは対照的に、SETを受けた患者では、疼痛と疼痛障害が有意に大きく軽減することが報告された(いずれもP < 0.01)が、12ヵ月後の追跡調査でも維持されていた。T3における臨床的に意味のある疼痛の軽減は、SET群では82%、OT-TENS群では39%、AE-BRT群では14%の患者で達成された。SET群では治療後のBRSの有意な増加(57%)が認められたが,AE-BRT群,OT-TENS群ともに経時的に有意な変化は認められなかった。



Conclusion: SET resulted in statistically significant, clinically meaningful, and long-lasting pain remission and interference compared to OT-TENS and AE-BRT. These results suggest that BRS modification is the primary mechanism of improvement. Replication of our results using larger samples and extension to other chronic pain conditions appear to be warranted.







The Effect of Physical Resistance Training on Baroreflex Sensitivity of Hypertensive Rats





Moisés Felipe Pereira Gomes,* Mariana Eiras Borges,* Vitor de Almeida Rossi, Elizabeth de Orleans C. de Moura, and Alessandra Medeiros
Moisés Felipe Pereira Gomes
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
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Mariana Eiras Borges
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
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Vitor de Almeida Rossi
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
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Elizabeth de Orleans C. de Moura
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
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Alessandra Medeiros
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
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Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Mailing Address: Moisés Felipe Pereira Gomes, Av. Ana Costa, 95. Postal Code 11060-001, Vl. Mathias, Santos, SP - Brazil. Email: moc.liamg@psefinusesiom, moc.liamtoh@gppisesiom
Received 2016 Jun 15; Revised 2017 Jan 16; Accepted 2017 Jan 24.
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Baroreceptors act as regulators of blood pressure (BP); however, its sensitivity is impaired in hypertensive patients. Among the recommendations for BP reduction, exercise training has become an important adjuvant therapy in this population. However, there are many doubts about the effects of resistance exercise training in this population.








To evaluate the effect of resistance exercise training on BP and baroreceptor sensitivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).








Rats SHR (n = 16) and Wistar (n = 16) at 8 weeks of age, at the beginning of the experiment, were randomly divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (CS, n = 8); trained control (CT, n = 8); sedentary SHR (HS, n = 8) and trained SHR (HT, n = 8). Resistance exercise training was performed in a stairmaster-type equipment (1.1 × 0.18 m, 2 cm between the steps, 80° incline) with weights attached to their tails, (5 days/week, 8 weeks). Baroreceptor reflex control of heart rate (HR) was tested by loading/unloading of baroreceptors with phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside.


実験開始時の生後8週齢のラットSHR(n = 16)とウィスター(n = 16)を無作為に4群に分けた:鎮静型コントロール(CS、n = 8)、訓練型コントロール(CT、n = 8)、鎮静型SHR(HS、n = 8)、訓練型SHR(HT、n = 8)。抵抗運動訓練は、尾部にウエイトを装着したスターマスター型の装置(1.1×0.18m、段差間2cm、傾斜80°)で行った(5日/週、8週間)。フェニルフリンとニトロプルシドナトリウムを用いた圧受容器の負荷/免荷により、心拍数(HR)の圧受器反射制御を試験した。







Resistance exercise training increased the soleus muscle mass in SHR when compared to HS (HS 0.027 ± 0.002 g/mm and HT 0.056 ± 0.003 g/mm). Resistance exercise training did not alter BP. On the other hand, in relation to baroreflex sensitivity, bradycardic response was improved in the TH group when compared to HS (HS -1.3 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg and HT -2.6 ± 0.2 bpm/mmHg) although tachycardia response was not altered by resistance exercise (CS -3.3 ± 0.2 bpm/mmHg, CT -3.3 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg, HS -1.47 ± 0.06 bpm/mmHg and HT -1.6 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg).


抵抗運動トレーニングはHSと比較してSHRのヒラメ筋量を増加させた(HSは0.027±0.002 g/mm、HTは0.056±0.003 g/mm)。抵抗運動トレーニングはBPを変化させなかった。一方、圧反射感受性については、HS(HS -1.3 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg、HT -2.6 ± 0.0.2 bpm/mmHg)と比較して、TH群で徐脈反応が改善した。 2 bpm/mmHg)であったが、抵抗運動では頻脈反応は変化しなかった(CS -3.3 ± 0.2 bpm/mmHg、CT -3.3 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg、HS -1.47 ± 0.06 bpm/mmHg、HT -1.6 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg)。





Resistance exercise training was able to promote improvements on baroreflex sensitivity of SHR rats, through the improvement of bradycardic response, despite not having reduced BP.


Keywords: Hypertension, Exercise, Heart Rate, Baroreflex, Muscle Hypertrophy
キーワード:高血圧、運動、心拍数 高血圧、運動、心拍数、圧反射、筋肥大