













2012年カナダ、(1)ドイツ、(2)EULAR(註:欧州リウマチ学会) 2016年ガイドライン(3)などの現在の治療ガイドラインでは、薬理学的手段と非薬理学的手段を組み合わせ、心理療法士、理学療法士など様々な分野の医療専門家の参加を募り、集学的アプローチを実施する必要性がますます強調されるようになってきています。運動は線維筋痛症症候群(FMS)治療のための最もエビデンスに基づいた治療法の一つとして、最高レベルの推奨がなされています。追加される非薬理学的介入としては、認知行動療法(CBT)、運動瞑想療法、水治療法などがあります。





Update on Fibromyalgia Treatment and Guidelines





Jacob Ablin



Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel
(テル・アヴィヴ スラスキ医療センター、イスラエル)





While increasing knowledge is accumulating regarding the pathogenesis and underlying neurological pathways of the fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and other centralized pain disorders, this progress has yet to be associated with major breakthroughs in the therapeutic realm. Treating FMS remains a complex and all-too-often frustrating endeavor. While there is evidence indicating that some patients significantly improve, or even cease to fulfill diagnostic criteria of FMS, many patients continue to experience a chronic course with ups and downs and fail to achieve any dramatic improvement after starting treatment. Moreover, while the introduction of three FDA – approved medications, i.e. Pregabalin, Duloxetine and Milnacipran during the first decade of the century, appeared to usher in a new era in the pharmacological treatment of FMS, these three have not been followed by any additional drug – approvals and evidence has since shown that only a relatively small proportion of patients are significantly improved with these treatments as well. This reality has led to an increasing emphasis on the necessity of implementing a multidisciplinary approach, combining pharmacological with non – pharmacological tools and recruiting the participation of healthcare professionals from various areas, e.g. psychotherapists, physiotherapists etc. as recognized by current treatment guidelines such as the 2012 Canadian, (1) German (2)  and the EULAR 2016 guidelines (3). Exercise has been recognized as one of the most evidence-based modalities for treating FMS with the highest level of recommendation. Additional non-pharmacological interventions include cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT), movement meditative therapies, hydrotherapy etc.
Among pharmacological treatments, amitriptyline is still often used as first line therapy and has received a strong recommendation from some of the guidelines. Anticonvulsants, which mainly include Pregabalin and gabapentin, are still used with varying rates of success although their use is often limited by side effects. The Serotonin – Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), Duloxetine and Milnacipran, also receive mixed – recommendations by various guidelines and appear to have a role in specific patients. Cyclobenzaprine, a centrally acting muscle – relaxant, is recommended by the EULAR (weak for). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are not recommended by EULAR but are recommended by German and Canadian guidelines. In real life, combining SSRIs with amitriptyline is often a practical option, since many patients may present already being treated with SSRI (for depression or anxiety) and adding amitriptyline may be easier than switching to a SNRI under such circumstances.
Strong opioids are generally not recommended for use in fibromyalgia and there are indications that their use may in fact be deleterious, due to exacerbating opioid – induced hyperalgesia. Tramadol, a weak opioid with additional 5-HT and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition activity, does show some efficacy in FMS and is recommended by EULAR and Canadian guidelines. Cannabinoids continue to receive a great deal of attention in the field of FMS, as well as chronic pain in general. There is both theoretical as well as multiple anecdotal indications supporting the use of cannabinoids in the treatment of FMS for both improving sleep as well as combating pain, although this form of treatment cannot be regarded as evidence – base at present and most guidelines remain guarded on the question. Moreover, there is currently no consensus regarding the question which cannabinoid or cannabinoids is optimal for FMS, i.e. THC, CBD, an “entourage” of cannabinoids etc. There is an obvious need for further research on this topic.
In view of the limited success rates of pharmacological interventions, there is growing interest in the prospect of achieving neuroplasticity and reducing central sensitization in FMS, through various techniques. Among the more established of these, one might mention Trans cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Trans cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), while more experimental approaches include the implementation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and neuro-feedback. Interesting results have been achieved with these last two modalities and research is ongoing. At present however these modalities remain investigational in nature and are not included in current management guidelines.









このような現実から、2012年カナダ、(1)ドイツ、(2)EULAR 2016年ガイドライン(3)などの現在の治療ガイドラインで認められているように、薬理学的手段と非薬理学的手段を組み合わせ、心理療法士、理学療法士など様々な分野の医療専門家の参加を募り、集学的アプローチを実施する必要性がますます強調されるようになってきた。























1. Fitzcharles M-A, Ste-Marie PA, Goldenberg DL, Pereira JX, Abbey S, Choinière M, et al. 2012 Canadian guidelines for the diagnosis and management of fibromyalgia syndrome: executive summary. Pain Research and Management. 2013;18(3):119-26.


2. Sommer C, Häuser W, Alten R, Petzke F, Späth M, Tölle T, et al. Drug therapy of fibromyalgia syndrome. Systematic review, meta-analysis and guideline. 2012.
3. Macfarlane GJ, Kronisch C, Dean LE, Atzeni F, Häuser W, Fluß E, et al. EULAR revised recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2017;76(2):318-28.