〇 ウイルス感染症状の再発ということは、すでに、これまでにも多数報告されていますが、再感染は全く意味が異なります。
〇 症状の再発というのは、ウイルス量がいったん検出可能な濃度以下に低下していたが完全に治癒しないまま、再度増加して再び検出可能となることです。これに対して、再感染というのは、いったん完治した後、十分な期間を経た後に、再度、新たに感染することを意味します。
〇 再感染例の報告が、なぜ緊急課題に値するかというと、ワクチンが開発されても無効であるばかりではなく、かえって有害になる可能性が示唆されるからです。
〇 新型コロナ肺炎の病原ウイルスはSARS‐CoV‐2といって病毒性の強いSARSウイルスの仲間であり、しかも一本鎖RNAウイルスであるため遺伝子変異をしやすいことが指摘されていますが、すでに複数の種類に変異しています。
〇 ワクチンが無効であるばかりでなく、さらに問題になるのは、コロナウイルスには「抗体依存性増強」(ADE)という現象がすでに報告されていることです。
Hong Kong researchers say they’ve found the world’s first case of covid-19 reinfection
The discovery could mean the coronavirus is never going away.
• Antonio Regalado archive page
August 24, 2020
The 33-year-old-man arrived by plane in Hong Kong on August 15. After disembarking, he headed to one of the airport’s covid-19 testing stations. Someone swabbed his throat, and then he waited for the results.
The man had come down with the coronavirus in March, suffered fever and headaches, and spent two weeks in a hospital. So he probably didn’t expect to test positive again just 142 days later.
But he did. Was it the original infection lingering in his body or had he caught the virus again, something no one had ever shown was possible?
Scientists at Hong Kong University say they have the answer. On the basis of a genomic analysis of the virus, they say the man got covid-19 a second time, and are calling his case “the first instance of human reinfection” with the novel coronavirus.
The discovery that immunity wears off, if confirmed, could change the math on the pandemic in profound ways. It would mean that surviving the virus is no guarantee of lifelong immunity, that people might have to get vaccinated every year, and that even survivors will still need to wear masks and follow rules on social distancing.
免疫が消耗するという発見が確認されればパンデミックの計算を大きく変える可能性がある。 それはウイルスを生き延びたからといって、生涯の免疫力が保証されるわけではないことを意味し、人々は毎年ワクチンを接種しなければならないかもしれないし、生存者であっても、マスクを着用し、社会的距離を保つためのルールに従う必要があることを意味している。
Most of all, it could mean the coronavirus might strike again and again, never really going away.
“Our findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in the global human population as is the case for other common-cold-associated human coronaviruses,” Kwok-Yung Yuen, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, and Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, all professors at Hong Kong University’s medical school, said in a signed statement obtained by the South China Morning Post.
「香港大学医学部のKwok-Yung Yuen教授、Kelvin Kai-Wang To教授、Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung教授は、サウスチャイナ・モーニング・ポスト紙が入手した署名入りの声明の中で、「我々の調査結果は、他のコロナウイルスと同様に、SARS-CoV-2が世界の人間集団に持続する可能性があることを示唆している」と述べています。
Previously, some people in Japan and elsewhere had tested positive twice for the virus weeks apart, but doctors had concluded that those results were due to test errors or lingering infection.
Researchers in Hong Kong, however, believe that their gene analysis proves this man caught the virus a second time.
Because the virus has gradually mutated as it spreads around the globe, different strains have unique genetic fingerprints. When the Hong Kong researchers compared the genetic sequences of the virus that sickened him in March and the one he had in August, they found differences at 24 positions.
“The team showed that the genome sequence of the virus strain in the first episode of COVID-19 infection is clearly different from the genome sequence of the virus strain found during the second episode of infection,” according to the Hong Kong University statement.
It’s known that four common coronaviruses, which cause colds, frequently reinfect people, sometimes within months. That, along with data showing that antibodies to the new virus fade with time, had previously led some scientists to predict that immunity to SARS-CoV-2 would follow a similar pattern.
If true, it is unlikely that herd immunity can eliminate the virus entirely, according to a copy of the case report posted by Chinese media, since people will constantly be losing their immunity, perhaps after a few months.
That doesn’t mean the virus will remain the danger it is today. People who’ve been infected, or vaccinated, might have fewer symptoms the second or third time around.
Some coronavirus experts have suggested that on reinfection the covid-19 germ will stay in the upper airway, causing sniffles, rather than penetrating the lungs to cause pneumonia.
At least in the case of the Hong Kong man, his second infection wasn’t nearly as bad as his first. Doctors say he didn’t show any symptoms of being sick at all.
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