
Q 聖楽院という名称の由来を教えてください。



A 聖楽院の意味は、聖楽のための楽院です。

















Q & Regarding ‘Seigakuin’,


the Institute for the Sacred Classical Music Concert.



Q  Please tell me the history of the name ‘Seigakuin’.



A  ‘Seigakuin’ is an institute for sacred classical music concerts.


As it is generally understood that sacred music is related to Christian culture, our music and performances are also related to this to some extent, because Western classical music is more or less related to it.


‘Seigaku-in’ literally means an academy (-in, or gakuin) for the Sacred Classical Music (seigaku). But, our take on ‘Seigaku’ includes not only classical music but also art songs in general.


     It means a school, but at the present time, we have to define it as more of a musical community rather than as a regular music school. It is also implies a music salon for the audience as well as a place for rehearsals.